Lighting Inverters

LGMPS Series Inverters Emergency Micro Power Sysytems

Product Code: LGMPS

Standard Configuration Price: $0
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Standard Configuration Price: $0
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375W Reliable Emergency Power Systems

Standard Configuration Price: $0
LGLPS 600W Series Inverters Emergency Power Systems

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600W Reliable Emergency Power Systems

Standard Configuration Price: $0

Types of Uninterruptible Power Supplies for Emergency Lighting Fixtures and Equipment


Emergency lighting fixtures and equipment are essential for maintaining safety during power outages. They provide illumination that helps people navigate their way to safety in the event of an emergency. However, emergency lighting fixtures and equipment require a continuous source of power, and that's where UPS systems come in. UPS systems provide backup power in the event of an electrical outage, ensuring that emergency lighting fixtures and equipment remain operational.

Types of Uninterruptible Power Supplies

There are several types of UPS systems available for emergency lighting fixtures and equipment. The most common types include offline/standby, line-interactive, and online/double-conversion UPS systems.

Offline/Standby UPS Systems

Offline/standby UPS systems are the most basic type of UPS system. They monitor the power supply and switch to battery power when the main power supply fails. These systems are ideal for small applications and are commonly used in home offices and small businesses.

Line-Interactive UPS Systems

Line-interactive UPS systems provide more advanced protection than offline/standby systems. These systems use a transformer to regulate voltage and protect against power surges and sags. They are ideal for larger applications, including server rooms and data centers.

Online/Double-Conversion UPS Systems

Online/double-conversion UPS systems provide the most advanced protection. These systems continuously convert AC power to DC power and back again, providing a consistent and clean power supply. They are ideal for critical applications that require continuous power, such as hospitals, airports, and military installations.

Benefits of UPS Systems for Emergency Lighting Fixtures and Equipment

UPS systems provide several benefits for emergency lighting fixtures and equipment. They ensure that emergency lighting fixtures and equipment remain operational during power outages, which is essential for maintaining safety. They also protect against power surges and sags, which can damage emergency lighting fixtures and equipment. In addition, UPS systems provide a consistent and clean power supply, which can extend the life of emergency lighting fixtures and equipment.


In conclusion, UPS systems are essential for maintaining safety during power outages. They provide backup power for emergency lighting fixtures and equipment, protecting against power surges and sags, and providing a consistent and clean power supply. By understanding the different types of UPS systems available, you can choose the best system for your application and ensure that your emergency lighting fixtures and equipment remain operational when they are needed most.


  1. How long do UPS systems typically provide backup power for emergency lighting fixtures and equipment?

    The length of backup power provided by UPS systems depends on the capacity of the system and the power requirements of the emergency lighting fixtures and equipment. It's important to choose a UPS system that can provide backup power for an adequate amount of time.

  2. Can UPS systems be used for other applications besides emergency lighting fixtures and equipment?

    Yes, UPS systems can be used for a wide range of applications, including server rooms, data centers, hospitals, airports, and military installations.

  3. How often should UPS systems be tested?

    UPS systems should be tested regularly to ensure that they are functioning properly. It's recommended to test UPS systems at least once a month.

  4. What should I look for when choosing a UPS system for emergency lighting fixtures and equipment?

    When choosing a UPS system for emergency lighting fixtures and equipment, it's important to consider the power requirements of the equipment. You should choose a UPS system with a sufficient capacity to provide backup power for an adequate amount of time. It's also important to consider the type of UPS system that will be best suited for your application.

  5. Can UPS systems be integrated with other safety systems?

    Yes, UPS systems can be integrated with other safety systems, such as fire alarms and security systems. By integrating UPS systems with other safety systems, you can ensure that all safety systems remain operational during power outages.